WHERE IS MVDAS LOCATED? Our Northwest Ohio Campus is located at Dental Excellence of Napoleon, a state-of-the-art dental office at 875 Westmoreland Avenue in Napoleon.
HOW LONG ARE CLASSES? Classes run every Saturday from 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. for 10 weeks. Personal study time during the week is required.
ARE BOOKS AND SUPPLIES INCLUDED? Yes! Our goal is to make this the greatest educational experience of your life!
IS THERE AN AGE LIMIT? No! Anyone with good dexterity, good general health, and a high school diploma or GED can be a dental assistant with the right training.
CAN A "FRONT OFFICE" DENTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFIT? Absolutely! The more dental knowledge an employee has, the more valuable they become! Imagine having the flexibility to do everything in a dental office!